The Sexten Center for Astrophysics offers an ideal environment to carry on productive meetings and collaborative teamwork.
If you wish to organize a workshop, you can download the instructions below and apply for a slot.
Feel free to contact us for further informations.
Please be sure to read the important note about 2022 workshops gratuities.
Time limit for applications
Summer workshops: before June 30th of the previous year. Confirmation will be sent within August 30th.
Winter workshops: before March 30th of the previous year. Confirmation will be sent within May 30th.
When compliant with the workshop requirements and guidelines, applications subimitted within the deadlines above will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee.
Termini di presentazione delle domande
Per i workshop estivi, entro il 30 giugno, anno precedente della manifestazione - risposte entro 30 agosto
Per i workshop invernali, entro il 30 marzo, anno precedente della manifestazione - risposte entro 30 maggio
Le domande pervenute fuori termine, che rispondano ai requisiti richiesti, saranno accettate a discrezione del Comitato direttivo.
Für die Sommer-Workshops ist der 30.06. des jeweiligen Vorjahres.Die Beantwortung erfolgt innerhalb 30.08.
Für die Winter-Workshops ist Anmeldeschluss innerhalb 30.03. des jeweiligen Vorjahres. Die Beantwortung erfolgt innerhalb 30.05.
Das Direktions - Komitee behält sich die Entscheidung über die Annahme von verspätet eintreffenden Einschreibungen vor.