Theoretical challenges for precision galaxy clustering
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
Future galaxy redshift surveys will provide a wealth of information on the growth of cosmological perturbations as a function of time and scale, thereby allowing a test of the fundamental physical principles at the basis of our description of the Universe. The assumptions of Gaussian primordial fluctuations amplified by Einstein gravity with a non-zero cosmological constant as well as the cold dark matter paradigm and three active massive neutrinos are all essential ingredients of the Standard Cos- mological Model directly related to our understanding of Particle and High-Energy Physics.
A necessary requirement to extract robust cosmological constraints and maximise the discovery potential of upcoming data is a solid understanding of cosmic structure formation, particularly since the signatures left by any departure from the standard ΛCDM model are expected to be small. In this respect, while galaxy clustering stands out among all large scale struc- ture probes due to its good signal-to-noise ratio, its theoretical modelling suffers from systematic uncertainties due to our incomplete understanding of nonlinear gravitational clustering, galaxy bias, redshift space distortions and feedback from baryons. This workshop will focus on our theoretical understanding of galaxy clustering taking a broad perspective that goes beyond specific probes such as BAO or RSD.
It will therefore represent a complementary approach to the topics discussed in the workshop on “BAO & RSD: dark light on obscure acronyms” as it will aim at a comprehensive and quantitative description of all valuable LSS observables, with particular attention to the exploitation of the signal resulting from the non-Gaussian and nonlinear evolution of structures. We intend to bring together leading experts in theoretical and numerical cosmol- ogy to discuss the nonlinear clustering of dark matter and biased tracers using analytic methods and simulations, the extension of these approaches to non-standard cosmologies with massive neutrinos, modified gravity and dark energy, along with the challenges brought by the real data.
To be defined
SOC: Raul Angulo Vincent Desjacques Gigi Guzzo Emiliano Sefusatti Matteo Viel