The outcome of Project T-REX, the Italian progetto premiale for E-ELT
LOCATION: Sexten Primary School - Via Panorama 6, Sexten
T-REX (Telescope to Reach the EXtreme) is the INAF progetto premiale devoted to the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), funded for two consecutive years by the Italian Ministry of Education. E-ELT, the highest infrastructural priority of the European astrophysical community, will be constructed by ESO and will be the largest telescope in the world. The aim of T-REX is to favour the highest possible participation of Italian astrophysicists and industries to its development.
The size features of E-ELT and its expected performances require original and innovative approaches in the fields of opto-mechanics, metrology, engineering and construction. It is thus mandatory to consolidate the position of INAF, Italian universities and Italian companies in the project international context, as well as to develop technologies, expertise and capabilities to face and win such an ambitious challenge.
T-REX plans to promote research, technology and formation activities in a coordinated way, with the aim of developing new frontier technologies useful for the entire national and international science communities. The project scheme, based on the synergy between different fields and expertise, provides the basis for the creation and formation of new experts and professional profiles of extremely high specialization. E-ELT is a long term project, where: a) the timeframe of the project, which foresees the telescope in operation in ten years from now, b) the need of developing “extreme” technological solutions, in the telescope itself, in the adaptive optics system, in the focal instrumentation, c) the perspective technological transfer, all require, for the full success of the Italian participation, a wide involvement of younger generations, graduate and postgraduate students. Within T-REX 7 PhD student fellowships and several post-doc positions in different INAF structures are planned to be funded.
In the summer of 2015 T-REX will likely be at the end of its two-year duration, and the time will be ripe to summarize the outcome of the various activities funded and initiated through the project, emphasizing its major successes and discussing possible criticalities. The workshop will be organized with oral presentations of the main results, as well as parallel sessions to work on specific aspects of the project, including possible follow-ups based on what the Italian Ministry or European Agencies will offer in the mean time. The resulting report will be published on the Sexten Center for Astrophysics web page.
To be defined
SOC: E. Diolaiti, B. Garilli, R. Gratton, B. Marano, A. Marconi, E. Oliva, R. Ragazzoni, F. Zerbi, G. Pareschi, M. Tosi (chair).
LOC: P. Ciliegi, I. Foppiani,, M. Lombini, L. Schreiber e G. Deconi