• Starting date: 2024/07/15
  • End: 2024/07/19

  • LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten


    Image: Photo credit: M. Sanati, J. Tan, Illustris Collab., & NASA/JWST

    This workshop is by invite only.

    Please also refer to: https://cosmicorigins.space/smbh-sexten

    With a host of exciting new observational results, especially JWST detections at high redshifts and discovery of the gravitational wave background from pulsar timing arrays, the time is now ripe for a conference to discuss the origin and evolution of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). This meeting aims to bring together researchers from a variety of fields and cover the following science themes:

    – SMBH Formation Theories
    – SMBH Accretion Processes & Growth Models
    – SMBH – Galaxy Relations
    – SMBH – Star Formation Connections
    – SMBH Feedback
    – Massive Star & Supermassive Star Formation
    – First Star and Galaxy Formation
    – Observations of SMBHs in the Early Universe
    – Cosmic Reionization
    – Gravitational Wave Observations of SMBH Binaries
    – SMBH and AGN Demographics, including Multiplicity
    – Intermediate-Mass Black Holes
    – Lessons from the Galactic Center

    Meeting schedule:
    Sunday 14th July 2024, Welcome reception
    Monday 15th – Friday 19th July 2024, 4 days of science sessions + 1 day excursion


    Bus Passenger List

    People who registered late and do not appear on the lists can still board the buses at 3:30 PM and 7:30 PM.


    Eur 300



    SOC: Pierluigi Monaco (co-chair); Jonathan Tan (co-chair); Richard Ellis; Xiaohui Fan; Raffaella Schneider, Naoki Yoshida et al.
    LOC: Vieri Cammelli; Pierluigi Monaco; Jasbir Singh; Jonathan Tan et al.
    For more information please contact:
    Prof. Pierluigi Monaco: pierluigi.monaco @ inaf.it
    Prof. Jonathan Tan: jctan.astro @ gmail.com