Cosmology on the steep rise
LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten
The extraordinary amount of high-quality data will open new directions for cosmology in the next few years. The increasing precision of CMB and LSS data will provide answers to current tensions and will shed light on the connections between cosmology and particle physics either behind or beyond the phenomenological success of the LambdaCDM model. At the same time, new observations at high redshifts from Lyman alpha forest and JWST and the rapid progress in gravitational-wave astronomy call for accurate theoretical predictions for new cosmological observables.
In 2024 we expect new data releases from experiments such as DESI, ACT, SPT, and new results from Euclid and JWST: the timing of this workshop is therefore very exciting. The aim of this workshop will be to discuss these latest measurements, new methodologies of data analysis, and novel theoretical developments in cosmology. The workshop format foresees invited talks, contributed talks, discussion sessions and aims in bringing together theoretical and observational cosmologists from all over the world, and providing a lively environment for a fruitful exchange of ideas on the most recent results from ACT, SPT, DESI, Euclid, JWST, PTA and perspectives for Simons Observatory, LiteBIRD, S4, Sphere-X, Rubin-LSST and other future experiments.
Final agenda with contributions
We acknowledge financial support by INAF, INFN, and the ERC projects COSMO-LYA (grant agreement 101044612) and NEU CosmoS (grant agreement 101001897), NEU CosmoS).
List of invited speakers
R. Angulo
U. Andrade
M. Bradac
L. Breuval
S. Brieden
E. Camphuis
Y.-T. Cheng
J. Chluba
E. Chisari
M. Crocce
A. Cuceu
S. Dhawan
P. Diego-Palazuelos
W. Freedman
E. Gjerlow
L. Guzzo
M. Hazumi
H. Hildebrandt
M. Ivanov
E. Kovetz
M. Lattanzi
T. Louis
A. Moradinezhad
D. Perrodin
A. Pisani
A. Porredon
F.-Y. Racine
A. Ricciardone
A. Riess
B. Sherwin
F. Schmidt
K. Storey-Fischer
M. Viel
300 Eur
Cora Dvorkin
Fabio Finelli
Andreu Font-Ribera
Silvia Galli
Elisabeth Krause
Julien Lesgourgues
Fabio Finelli
Gabriella Deconi