Getting ready to descend the slippery slope of multimessanger cosmological black holes data
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
This workshop has been rescheduled from 2022 to 2023.
This is an invite-only workshop
The proposed meeting is a follow-up of the one that took place in February 2020. The meeting focused on the discussion of current and upcoming advances in the field of intermediate and supermassive black holes, within the framework of the preparation for a new generation of experiments (LISA, Athena, SKA) that will start in about a decade from now.
These experiments are expected to provide a major leap forward in our understanding of astrophysical black holes. However, to maximize their scientific return, it is important to develop new models and observations that can help prepare the community for the arrival of the complex data of these ambitious experiments. World-wide experts in the field have been invited in the first meeting, which was very successful. Based on the collected feedback, we elaborated the idea of organizing a recurrent series of events to fulfill a concrete roadmap for preparing the community to extract the best possible science from this wealth of incoming new data. The main aim of the meetings will be to foster collaborations between theoretical modelers and observers, open a forum for collecting ideas and build new strategies for exploiting the data, and coordinate the community effort. The idea is to alternate summer and winter meetings, starting from Winter 2021/2022 (Jan/Feb 2022). We are looking forward to an enthusiastic response of the community to work together to get ready for the amazing data that will be collected in the 2030s.
Bus transfer registration is now open.
330 Eur
Silvia Bonoli, Nico Cappelluti, Alberto Sesana