Next-Generation Cosmology with Next-Generation Radio Telescopes: II
LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten
Although the first billion years of our Universe have historically been starved of observations, we are rapidly approaching a “Big Data” revolution, enabled by the 21-cm signal from neutral hydrogen. Sensitive to the thermal and ionization state of the IGM, as well as to physical cosmology, the cosmic 21-cm signal will transform our understanding of cosmic dawn, reionization and the galaxies responsible for it all.
First generation radio telescopes, both global (e.g. EDGES, LEDA, SARAS) and interferometric (e.g. LOFAR, PAPER, MWA), are currently paving the way. High signal to noise power spectra should be available in a few years with HERA, with the next-generation SKA eventually providing a 3D map of the first billion years of our Universe.
We propose a Sesto CfA workshop to bring together leading researchers in the field of 21-cm cosmology. We will hear updates from the current first-generation telescopes, and discuss the optimal strategies for HERA and SKA. We will foster synergies between theorists and observers, in an effort to build efficient and accurate data analysis pipelines. The ultimate goal of our efforts is to maximize the science returns of our significant investments in next-generation 21-cm telescopes.
Key topics to be addressed include:
• status of current observations
• status of reionization and cosmic dawn theory
• foreground characterization, mitigation and avoidance
• the physics of early galaxies
• complementary probes of reionization
• statistics and parameter inference from 21-cm
• 21-cm data analysis, image characterization and machine learning
• synergies with galaxy and intensity mapping surveys
Bus reservation is open: you can request your transfer here.
300 Eur - Registration will close on November, 15th
Main organizers Andrei Mesinger & Andrea Ferrara (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)