• Starting date: 2008/07/28
  • End: 2008/08/02

  • LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten


    The meeting will be held during the week of July 28th – August 2nd, 2008. This one will be the kick-off meeting of a series organized by the Sexten Center for Astrophysics, which we are in the process of setting up, focused on extragalactic astronomy and large scale structure formation.

    The schedule of this first meeting is meant to be flexible and it is broadly organized by topics as follows:

    July, 28th Mon. X-ray cluster surveys
    July, 29th Tue. X-ray cluster surveys – Galaxy Evolution
    July, 30th Wed. X-ray cluster surveys – Galaxy Evolution
    July, 31th Thur. Lensing & Cosmology
    August, 1st Fri. Cosmology

    You are invited to give a presentation on your current research activity. Each contribution is expected to be an informal talk of at most 30 min, in order to leave a fair amount of time dedicated to discussion and collaborative work. Most importantly, the environment and format of the meeting is meant to stimulate discussions, foster collaborations and work on mutual projects in a nice and quiet place.

    The Sesto Institute for Astrophysics is beautifully located in a modern elementary school in Sesto, surrounding by the Dolomites. You will have access to desks and wireless connection (about 20 desks in total).

    Hotel booking can be done through the Agenzia del Turismo, as we will specify in a forthcoming email.

    We look forward to the confirmation of your participation, specifying whether you stay for the whole week or just a few days, and a preliminary title of your presentation. We would like to receive this information at your earliest convenience and in any case before June 15th.


    Modelling the Evolution of Cosmic Structure Partecipants PDF Print E-mail
    Stefano Borgani borgani@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Andrea Bignamini bignamini@oats.inaf.it INAF – Astronomical Observatory Trieste Italy
    Guido Cupani guido.cupani@gmail.com Astronomy Department Univ. Trieste Italy
    Sabrina De Grandi Sabrina.Degrandi@brera.inaf.it INAF – Astronomical Observatory Brera Italy
    Gabriella De Lucia lucia@MPA-Garching.MPG.DE Max Planck Institüt für Astrophysick Garching Germany
    Stefano Ettori stefano.ettori@oabo.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Bologna Italy
    Marisa Girardi girardi@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Fabrizia Guglielmetti fag@ipp.mpg.de Max-Planck Institüt für Plasmaphysik Garching Germany
    Marco Lombardi mlombard@eso.org ESO (Garching) / INAF (Brera) Germany / Italy
    Fabio Mardirossian mardiros@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Marino Mezzetti mezzetti@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Silvano Molendi silvano@iasf-milano.inaf.it INAF – IASF Milano Italy
    Piero Rosati rosati@eso.org European Southern Observatory Garching Germany
    Joana Santos jsantos@mpe.mpg.de Max-Planck Institüt für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching Germany
    Alex Saro saro@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Luca Tornatore tornatore@oats.inaf.it Astronomy Department Univ. of Trieste Italy
    Paolo Tozzi tozzi@oats.inaf.it INAF - Astronomical Observatory Trieste Italy
    Matteo Viel viel@oats.inaf.it INAF – Astronomical Observatory Trieste Italy

