Linking Observations and Theory Across the Scales of Star Formation in Galaxies
LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten
An outstanding issue in galaxy evolution is to understand star formation and its dependence on the environment within galaxies, on the scales of individual stars to those of kpc–size structures.
In particular, we would like to determine the extent to which the physical conditions of both local and global environment are imprinted on the spatial distribution and clustering of young stars and gas, and affects the subsequent evolution of those structures. Significant progress on the characterization of the relationship between galactic environment and star formation is on the horizon in both observations and simulations, and has been aided by the recognition that key processes (e.g., stellar feedback) are inherently multi-scale in nature. The Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey (LEGUS) is an HST Treasury programs aimed at investigating these issues in nearby galaxies and is now close to completion. Thus, it is timely to bring together observers and theorists to report on the latest of these results and discuss key observational metrics that will best constrain models of both star formation and feedback.
Scientific Program with contributions
To be defined