• Starting date: 2025/06/30
  • End: 2025/07/04

  • LOCATION: Haus Sexten - Via Dolomiti 45, 39030, Sexten


    The unprecedented abundance of multi-wavelength and multi-messenger data available today empowers theorists and phenomenologists studying high-energy astrophysical sources to engage in precision astrophysics. The increasingly predictive models being developed can now be rigorously tested against spectral data and time series, which stand out for their temporal
    density, accuracy, spectral range, and both spatial and temporal resolution.
    Additionally, polarization data is expanding beyond its traditional scope in the radio and optical bands. Furthermore, neutrino observatories and gravitational wave detectors provide essential insights, complementing electromagnetic observations and helping to unravel some of the most fascinating mysteries in high-energy astrophysics and cosmology. These developments also have profound implications for elementary particle physics and fundamental physics. In this course, we will explore these topics with guidance from leading experts in the field:
    – The state of the art of emission models for photons and cosmic rays at the highest energies, from sources in the galactic and intergalactic environment;
    – The most effective ways of exploiting the data that are currently available, via adequate analysis tools;
    – How to make a sharp and focused research project in the field of high-energy astrophysics;
    – How to disseminate your science at best, in the research community and towards the general public;
    Together with lectures on observation as well as modeling, hand-on sessions will be organized.
    The topics of the morning lectures will include:

    GRB prompt and afterglow modeling

    Leptonic and Hadronic modeling of AGNs
    Modeling of Galactic gamma-ray sources
    MWL Modeling of Extragalactic sources
    Neutrino, Cosmic Rays and GW emission modeling

    as well as

    • Cosmic rays, Gravitational Waves and Neutrinos observations
    • Gamma-rays observations from the Ground and from Space
    • Recent developments for ASTRI and CTAO
    • Variable source detection with SVOM
    • Polarimetric X-ray observations with IXPE

    The hands-on workshops (to be held in the afternoon) will be devoted to:

    • Gammapy data analysis
    • Gammapy data analysis
    • Data-model comparison and interpretation
    • Preparation of a research grant
    • Academic presentation of Science topics
    • Dissemination of Science (in general) and of AstroparticlePhysics (in detail)

    Registration closed on 31st May 2025 


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    300 Eur



    Elisabetta Bissaldi, Giacomo Bonnoli, Patrizia Caraveo, Francesco Longo