Hydrosim 2023 collaboration meeting: designing the next generation of cosmological simulations
LOCATION: Sexten Primary School - Via Panorama 6, Sexten
Advanced codes for cosmological simulations represent nowadays the most advanced tools to capture the complexity of the formation and evolution of cosmic structures over wide ranges of cosmic epochs and physical scales. These codes have been traditionally developed and optimized to use massively parallel HPC infrastructures. With the advent of exascale-class facilities, these codes need to be deeply revised and adapted to the ever evolving architectures.
With this workshop we will gather collaborators that since years are actively involved in the development and application of the OpenGADGET cosmological simulation code, which represents an evolution of the GADGET code. At the same time, the group of developers and users of OpenGADGET has traditionally always benefited from the proximity and collaboration with colleagues working on observational aspects of extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology.
The four main broad areas of investigation that will be discussed during the workshop can be summarized as follows:
- Presentation and critical discussion of results from ongoing campaigns of simulations.
- Development of innovative algorithmic solutions and porting of OpenGADGET on hybrid architectures.
- Development of a variety of new modules to describe physical and astrophysical processes to be included in simulations.
- Planning the next generation of cosmological simulations.
We expect short contributions from the participants with much time reserved for both coordinated discussions and open brainstorming, aiming to solidify current projects and start new ones.
The workshop is by invitation only.
Bus transfer reservation is now open!
300 Eur Senior, 250 Eur Students
Klaus Dolag
Milena Valentini
Stefano Borgani
Tiago Castro