• Starting date: 2023/03/06
  • End: 2023/03/10

  • LOCATION: Sport & Kurhotel at Bad Moos - Via Val Fiscalina 27, 39030, Sexten


    The birth of the first stars, galaxies and black holes heralded the end of the cosmic Dark
    Ages, ushering in the Cosmic Dawn. Light from these objects spread out, heating and
    ionizing virtually every baryon in our Universe. This Epoch of Reionization (EoR) was
    the last major phase change of our Universe, encoding a wealth of information about
    the unseen first galaxies and structures in the intergalactic medium (IGM). Despite
    spanning the majority of our visible Universe, the EoR has only recently begun to be
    explored. We now have many observational clues of the EoR, including from: (i) the
    opacity of the Lyman alpha and beta forests; (ii) damping wing imprints in QSO
    spectra; (iii) evolution of Lyman alpha emitting galaxies; (iv) clustering of Lyman alpha
    emitters; (v) CMB polarization power spectra; (vi) the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’Dovich
    effect in CMB temperature fluctuations; (vii) the cosmic 21-cm signal. However,
    interpreting these observations is challenging, requiring careful modeling of both the
    cosmic signal as well as associated systematics.

    This workshop will focus on putting together these pieces of the puzzle of reionization.
    What was the timing of the EoR? What sources were responsible? How did they
    interact with themselves and their surroundings through feedback mechanisms? What
    are the associated observational signatures? What was the role of IGM structures?
    How can we improve models of the EoR? How do we best build forward models,
    accounting for relevant theoretical and observational systematics? Where are the next
    observational breakthroughs? How do we best prepare for upcoming data from nextgeneration telescopes like JWST and SKA?

    We expect around 30-40 participants, invite only. These will span experts in
    observations, theory, as well as data science; breakthroughs in understanding require
    synergy between all three of these aspects.


    Bus reservation is now open.


    380 Eur



    Andrei Mesinger (chair), SNS, Pisa
    Laura Pentericci, INAF – OAR, Rome
    Matteo Viel, SISSA, Trieste
    Gianni Bernardi, INAF – IRA, Bologna
    Valentina D’Odorico, INAF – OAT, Trieste